When word got out that rapper Lil Boosie was finally released from prison, the social networks exploded. As Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others do any other time when a popular celebrity’s life make interesting news, members share their excitement through 140 characters or pictures/memes. In this case, Lil Boosie’s welcome home was exaggerated with memes saying #BoosieFree #BoosieBack etc. Even video grams were created to show love to the emcee. While many people cared, some could care less though about Boosie’s return to civilization.
One person in particular who was a little “put off” by the celebration was actor Jason Weaver. You may remember him from the “Michael Jackson Story”, “ATL”, and countless other films and television shows. Weaver took to his page to verbalize his frustration with people not celebrating the positive accomplishments of Black brothers. Here’s what he said…
“Ok so…. I see a lot ppl on IG posting stuff about Lil Boosie gettin out of prison, talmbout ‘Welcome Home’ ‘Boosie Back’ and all kinds of other coon shit. Listen man, no disrespect to Boosie or anyone else for that matter who has ever been incarcerated, but the problem I have with the IG posts regarding him gettin out is it’s being displayed like it’s some kind of thing to celebrate. I’m sorry man, but why can’t we celebrate young black men who have stayed OUT of prison? I’m not judging Boosie or any other individual who may have faced similar circumstances. It would sure be cool though if we posted more pics of our young brothas receiving high school diplomas, college degrees, and cool shit like that instead of a playa gettin out of prison mane. I’m about celebrating milestones in young black men’s lives that we can REALLY be proud of! Like for real… C’mon son!! Sorry for the rant, but I just had to say it.#KanyeShrug”
While Weaver’s comment was from a “concerned” place, some people look at Black men being released from serving time as a “positive” thing. We are not sure if Weaver has had family members or friends that have been in this same situation. But, we are sure that if he has, in some form or fashion, Weaver himself probably celebrated their return home. If so, why is this any different? Was the IG uproar different because it’s on a grander scale?
Regardless, however, Weaver did make a point. There should be some balance. Depending on who Weaver follows on IG, there are young men being celebrated for graduating college, opening a new business, etc. It’s just a matter of that person’s level of popularity. Not many who accomplish these things are as popular of a star as Lil Boosie. So, by it being Boosie, the celebration was bigger visually.
We hope Lil Boosie and/or his camp don’t take Weaver’s comment out of context. This is just a great start for dialogues regarding changes needed in our society as a whole.