Underrated is the first word that comes to mind when I think of Cyhi The Prynce. As much as he is on the ballyhooed GOOD Music label, he is still not “known” as much as he should be. We can call it dumb luck or a total lack of enough presence in the media (or whatever). However, people are not talking about Cyhi The Prynce enough. This situation is a shame considering his most recent mixtape, Black Hystori Project, is damn good.
Then again, he has been making great music since his Royal Flush mixtapes. So, there is no surprise that this project is damn good. Presented as a thematic piece with a child presenting Cyhi as his hero for his Black History project, it goes through different modes and shifts. It works out as the songs connect for a reason. This comprehensive piece comes together as the informative work of art that it was meant to be.
The thing that needs to be understood is that Cyhi The Prynce has bars for days. On “Napoleon”, he quickly quips about “I’m out in L.A., I never went to school/For writing but I’m still good with them essays (ese)” and “Every bitch I had end up fucking the squad/No love in my heart, back then, I wasn’t that smart/But, I went into some classes overseas/Now all I do is study abroad… Get it? Study a broad”.
Yet, he does get reflective about who he is and what he has been through. One main track, by the name of “Cydel Young” does this with overall efficiency. Titled after his real government name, he gets both lyrical and point-to-point autobiographical. With references to his miscarried brother, wanting to be a millionaire without losing his fortune, and “being so broke” that he “couldn’t ask for fries”. Even with all the lyrical onslaughts, he takes time to make sure he references his real life.
Evening it all out with production that adds to the lyrical nimbleness, Black Hystori Project wins all around. Cyhi effectively uses his lyrical punch to make memorable music. Using a cinematic feel to put everything together, the interludes all make sense. In the end, Black Hystori Project serves as an example of what makes an artist who they are and what they are.