via press release…
RHN, THE REAL HIP-HOP NETWORK is launching a KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN to commemorate the launch of the first TV Channel geared toward real hip-hop lifestyle and culture. The network’s goal is to raise a minimum of $2,000,000.00. The supporters of the campaign will receive exclusive rewards including a documentary on the origins of the channel.
The Network CEO, Atonn Muhammad states, “The time to act is now! The KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN will give those who are passionate about the culture of hip-hop an opportunity to support the culture they love.”
RHN is not just a TV channel, it’s a mass movement to preserve and promote the highest principles and standards embodied by the culture of Hip–Hop. “The Real Hip-Hop Network will challenge misogyny, excessive violence and other negative stereotypes pervasive in hip-hop lifestyle and culture. RHN will use the TV network to redefine hip-hop to the world and use it as the vehicle to reveal the stories of those who live and breathe the culture globally,” says RHN, VICE Chairman Abdul Aquil Muhammad. The mainstream media conglomerates representation of hip-hop is a small portion of what real hip-hop represents. RHN’s mission is to open the gateway of the mainstream to underground artist with a message. REAL HIP-HOP NETWORK intends to evolve the culture further and build a greater global brand.
“Everything you think you know about Hip-Hop is wrong. Hip-Hop has been reduced to what can only be described as minstrels that create dehumanizing caricatures that proliferates racist images, attitudes, and perceptions worldwide,” says KW Ford, Chief Information Officer for RHN. Many people glean most of their knowledge on what they perceive from mindless reality TV shows, music videos, and commercial radio songs in heavy rotation that glorify a decadent lifestyle of excessive violence, materialism, exploitation, and misogyny.
In order for the culture of hip-hop to survive it must have balance. In the cases of Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin the attackers blamed the murders of these young people on their false perceptions taken from stereotypes of hip-hop culture. Hundreds are dying in Chicago (nicknamed “CHIRAQ”) in connection with ties to gang violence and the trap music scene.
“This senseless killing has to stop! In order for these assaults to stop there must be an aggressive counter offensive that will demonstrate the more positive aspects of real Hip-Hop culture. Thus bringing balance back to Hip-Hop. RHN will not just be there to report on issues, we will be there on the ground dealing with issues that affect our community,” says Benard Taft, former rapper and President of RHN MUSIC GROUP.
“The Network founders are making an appeal to the core hip-hop fan base to get behind the mission of RHN on KICKSTARTER,” says Network Executive and Hip-Hop Journalist for RHN, Jason Parker. With their help THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED!!!!
Source: PR Newswire