In ever aspect of entertainment, if you are a newcomer, there are some marketing standards that are necessary in the industry. For the fashion and modeling industries, every model wanna-be should have a comp card.
The Composite Photo Card (Comp Card or Zep Card) is a promotional flyer, which helps an agency or casting director decide if you have the look for any of their upcoming projects. The comp card can be inexpensive, but that depends on how many you have printed and how much your photoshoot costs.
Comp cards must include the following information:
- Headshot
- Bodyshot
- Body Stats (height, weight, clothing size, shoe size, bust, waist, hair color, eye color)
- Name
- Agency Name and contact info (if you are not represented, put your contact info on the card)
In case you do not know what a comp card looks like, below are a few samples:
If you are an aspiring model or actor, make sure you are always prepared and equipped with your comp card. Having this card makes a big difference between being hired or looked over by casting directors.