Do you want to know your FICO score? Do you want to find out what it is for FREE? Well, we’ve learned of a non-traditional way to obtain your score.
As you know, each of the three credit agencies offer one (1) free credit report each year. You can go to or to sign up to receive a free report. However, there may be some surprise fees if you choose to see a full detailed report. Also, most of the online websites that offer free credit scores, only show you proprietary scores. This means that the score you see online may not be the same score a bank sees if you are applying for a loan, for example.
Luckily, credit card companies are now providing customers with free access to their FICO score. Your score will be listed on your monthly statement. If you do not see it on your statement, contact your issuer to see if this is something they offer to their customers.
Keeping track of your credit score is the responsible thing to do. Having your score readily available makes the uphill battle toward “good credit” much easier.