Better Luck Next Time Bobbi Kristina
Bobbi Kristina Denied the Role of Whitney Houston….
Bobbi Kristina may be the closes thing we are going to get to the late great Diva herself, Whitney Houston, but she won’t be portraying her in the upcoming Biopic. Whitney Houston left us a few years ago in 2012 after being found dead in her LA hotel room of a drug overdose during Grammy weekend. Whitney Houston was a well-known actress, model, producer and singer who lived a great life and entertained many across the world. Angela Bassett has teamed up with Lifetime to direct and produce the upcoming biopic of Whitney Houston, but has received some back lash from Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina.
Sources say that several people auditioned for the role including Bobbi Kristina. However, when she was not cast, Bobbi Kristina took to her twitter bashing Bassett. Bobbi tweeted “Ha MsAng “bassketcase” has such a damn nerve. My lord, at least the world doesn’t mistake me for the wrong sex…sh has #XtraEequipment.”