Fashion mogul, Kimora Lee Simmons, recently used the power of her fan base for a good cause.
The St. Louis-born fashion/runway icon was disheartened, like many of us, at the tragedy that took place in Ferguson, MO. Michael Brown Jr’s death and the circumstances surround it struck a nerve with many notable figures in the entertainment industry. While some celebrities voiced their opinions about Brown’s death and the Ferguson riots on and off social media, Simmon’s took it a step further and actually put her money up and used her influence for greater good. She announced that she would pay for the funeral services for the deceased 18-year old.
In addition to the funeral, Simmons created a Go Fund Me campaign to help raise funds for the Brown family. As of this article, the Michael Brown Memorial campaign has raised $72,233. Over 3,000 people have donated and according to the family’s attorney, the Brown family is very appreciative of the support.
“On behalf of the Brown family, we thank each of you for your outpouring of support. We ask that you continue to keep the Brown family uplifted in your prayers.”
Benjamin L. Crump, Esq.
Family Attorney
Parks & Crump, LLC
This was a great gesture by Kimora Lee Simmons. It goes to show how much influence celebrities has on their fans, and how many fans are out there to do more good than harm.
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