“Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” season 3 reunion, which aired Monday night, was the second installment to a three-part reunion special. A lot went down in the first 15 minutes. Joseline Hernandez and her “alleged” husband, Stevie J created a WWE match onstage. Joseline attacked Althea. Benzino swung on Joseline [which was a b–tch move in my opinion]. Then, Joseline attacked Tami Rivera and pulled her ponytail off. Debra Anteny, the mother of rapper Waka Flocka Flame, even found herself in the mix while trying to protect her daughter-in-law (Tami). Lastly, there was a brief confrontation between Joseline and Mimi Faust. But, I wasn’t surprised given their past disdain for one another.
The brawl, in itself, was a huge embarrassment. Not only for VH1 and Mona Scott-Young, but also for Black television as a whole. The obvious is the behavior of Black women. It didn’t matter if you threw a punch, cursed out another cast member, or threw a friend under-the-bus, to me it ALL defined the term “embarrassment.”
Yes, Joseline spazzed out and should be dealt with accordingly by the show producers. However, for her fellow Black sisters to sit on stage and use an entire 45 minutes to degrade her was uncalled for. Black women should not do this. It is bad enough that women are degraded by men every single day in music, videos, commentary, on the street and so forth. But for your own kind to talk bad about you – and while you are not even present to defend yourself – is foul. Rasheeda, Tami, Mimi and others ALL mentioned being ladylike and how The Puerto Rican Princess wasn’t classy. Basically, taking jabs at Joseline.
In my opinion, that was BS. At one point or another during the last three seasons, EVERYONE has been involved in a scuffle or huge argument. None of these women has been an “angel” since the inception of this franchise. So, who are they to talk about somebody else?!?! I can understand their concern for Joseline’s well-being. But, there is a way to step to her as a “sister” and offer up some words of advice/encouragement.
Mona Scott-Young is a brilliant mind when it comes to entertainment and business. I respect her grind wholeheartedly. However, this is the time that something drastic needs to happen with the LHHATL franchise. It has gone WAY beyond what ratchet reality television should consist of. As a viewer and a woman, I am no longer amused by it. I’m not a perfect angel myself. However, I do know how to conduct myself in various settings. But, not all of us women are the same. Some of us are young and can’t handle the pressures of fame, men, drugs, and the list goes on. This is why, people need positive guidance. LHHATL is pushing the feminist movement and Black culture back a hundred years with this foolishness.
LHHATL is a total embarrassment and the majority of the cast need to do a bit of soul-searching.
If you missed part two of the reunion, you can watch it in its entirety HERE.