The Sony thriller “No Good Deed,” which stars Idris Elba as an escaped convict and Taraji P. Henson as the innocent he terrorizes, opened on top of the box office with $24.5 million, according to studio estimates Sunday.
Several folks in Hollywood didn’t believe the film would do too good. Well well well, Idris and Taraji showed them.
According to the AP, Sony execs had faith in the film from the start. So, it was no surprised that “No Good Deed” topped the box office.
“It’s a movie that we really loved and felt that it was going to win,” said Sony distribution chief Rory Bruer. “You have to give it to the cast in Idris and Taraji. Their chemistry together is fantastic.”
As for moviegoers, the buzz on social media was hestatic. The surprise ending, which we won’t reveal here, is what caught many off guard.
If you have not seen the film, it’s a definite MUST see!