Britney Spears vs- Cali Lee
Pop Star Britney Spears at odds with Ex BF new GF….
Britney Spears has made it clear that she will not tolerate disrespect nor her business being put out in the street. Spears has sent her team of lions (I mean lawyers) to her aide against her ex-boyfriend David Lucado and his new girlfriend Cali Lee. Lee has been going around trying to tell the media about personal information about Spears and Lucado secret love affairs. Spears legal team stated that Lucado signed a confidentiality agreement and should not be speaking about anything pertaining to their former relationship. Spears also followed up with a nasty letter to the new couple warning them that she is so rich and powerful that she would destroy them both.
Britney Spears attorney’s wrote: “Rest assured that our client has the resolve to pursue this matter no matter the financial cost or outlay in time.”