The Apple iCloud servers were recently compromised by hackers. The hackers were able to intrude the accounts of several celebrities, some of which included Gabrielle Union and Jennifer Lawrence. The aftermath of the intrusion left nude photos being distributed to various websites and blogs.
Apple’s security department has since informed customers and news outlets that their servers were breeched and that new measures are being implemented to prevent an invasion in the future. However, hackers are smart and may infiltrate Apple’s iCloud storage space again.
To ensure that iCloud users aren’t affected by any future hacks, the AP listed a few tips to help individuals secure their accounts.
1. Create a strong password. Include a number and punctuation mark in each the password. Avoid using common words.
2. Use a two-step identification method to secure your account. When you log onto your account from a new device, a second form of identification will be requested. Usually, a four digit code is sent to your mobile device. Use this device to enter into the email or iCloud account.
According to Apple, the iCloud, Google Drive and Dropbox all offer the two-step identification process.
The best way to ensure that personal photos are not stolen by a hacker, simply, do not store them on your phone, laptop or PC.