On Sunday(Oct. 5), Redd’s Wicked Apple hosted the finale event for the Most Wicked Promoter competition. The competition is part of the Most Wicked Promoter program, which began in New York City. The event, held at Terminal West in Atlanta, spotlighted the ultimate promoters of the Afropunk nightlife.
Afropunk is represented by African-Americans (or other blacks) who participate in the punk or alternative music cultures. Although Afropunk makes up a small percentage in the national and international punk rock scene, they represent the majority in predominately black regions of the world in which these punk communities are located. The Afropunk Music Festival was originated in 2002 in Brooklyn, NY. (via Wikipedia)
Redd’s Wicked Apple is the first hard ale of its kind. To find out more about the drink, visit www.reddswickedapple.com.
Hashtag #WickedPromoter , Instagram @Afropunk
Photo Credit: Olson