When I began to get out and network as a business owner, never in a million years did I think I’d end up in conversations with people who lacked business etiquette. The etiquette I’m speaking of is one where the person is unable to clearly articulate and effectively communicate during business discussions. Now mind you, I can’t boast or brag about being the best speaker in the world. Words move rapidly in my brain and, at times, my mouth don’t move fast enough when speaking. So, I find myself stuttering slightly. Lucky, the problem isn’t noticeable at all.
What I am able to do, with no problem, is clearly get my point across, use the proper lingo, and leave a conversation knowing that something was accomplished. Unfortunately, this does not happen too often with young entrepreneurs. Why? For one simple reason, they lack the necessary skills to effectively communicate various business topics. My 13+ years of experience in corporate america prepared me for the business world. Young business owners on the other hand, who lack formal training or job experience, miss out on the opportunity to enhance their communication skills. Our differences then create a barrier and/or a breakdown in communication.
As an entrepreneur, company executive, or even a staff member, it is imperative that you learn the art of business communication. Business Communication stretches across various platforms. But, the main areas to focus on are in-person/ face-to-face, phone, and email. These three areas are essential in the two-way information sharing process. It is where you find out who’s professional and who is not.
My #1 preferred method of communication is face-to-face. In-person business discussions makes it easier to interact and get a buy-in to an idea or product being sold. This form of communication is direct. It cuts out the misunderstandings and the wait time. With email or phone calls, business information is delayed. It is also misconstrued. So, to be confident in the business relationship, a face-to-face interaction with the other person is the way to go.
Email is the devil! There’s been plenty times in which emails have been taken the wrong way. Whether it seems as though my choice of words are coming off as rude or offensive, there’s always a recipient who sees a problem with the email. To stray away from bad emails, please be careful about the words you use. Pay close attention to how sentences are formed. In the business world, emails are a big deal. They can make you or break you. So remain professional in your emails. Make sure the information you are providing is direct, understandable, and concise. And, cap it off with an electronic signature, which includes your name, title, business email, contact phone number, and social media tags.
When you decide that a phone conversation is best, always maintain a high-level of professionalism. Answer the call with cheery attitude. Be able to project a positive disposition through the phone. Believe me, the person on the other end can feel that energy. During the conversation, listen more than you speak. It is easy to talk over someone on the phone. If the other person is talking, wait until they are finished before you begin. Speak clearly. Make sure there’s little to no noise in the background. Try to refrain from using the speaker phone (too much static or muffled sound).
If you make a call and their line goes to voicemail, leave a message. But, be short and concise. Also, leave a call back number or email address. If you are replying to a voicemail, try to respond within 24 to 48 hours. Call back during normal business hours. Do not call that person in the evenings or weekend (unless asked to do so).
Before deciding on which platform to use, always determine who your audience is first. Once you know who the intended audience will be, then pick the proper channel to communicate with him, her, or group. Some other platforms to consider are Skype, Face Time, Oral Presentation, Online Meeting, Videoconferencing, Teleconferencing, Video, Blog, Report, Brochure, Newsletter, and/or Flyer.
Remain professional and handle your business!