Ballin’ for Boobs celebrity basketball game went underway this past Sunday, October 26th at Morehouse College Gym. Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter, R. Kelly, and rapper 2 Chainz hosted the event alongside Karlie Redd (“Love and Hip Hop Atlanta”), Janet Jackson (Boss Chix/JEE), Reec (Hot 107.9FM), and Reece (Spotlight Promotions).
The event was put on in honor of individuals and/or families dealing with the realities of breast cancer. Two teams squared up against one another: Team R. Kelly and Team 2 Chainz. Below are the players of each team:
Team R. Kelly:
R. Kelly
Reece McKinity
Joey Odem
Van Pullen
Isaac Turnbo
George Kelly
Dashawn Wright
Big Rob
Team 2 Chainz:
2 Chainz
Mani Love
RL (newly formed group WQRL)
Wingo (Jagged Edge)
Q Parker (from 112 & WQRL)
Blue Kimble
Randall Orr
Eric Matthews
Stevie Baggs Jr.
Bobby V
Fans who attended the basketball game got the opportunity to meet their favorite celebrities and take photos.
Donations received were awarded to the Susan G. Komen organization.
Photo Credit: Leo AtlantaBoiz of Jay Productions Agency (@jp_agency)