Police Sued after Tasing a Man
Indiana police accused of excessive force…..
During a routine traffic stop, an Indiana police officer tasered an unarmed man and dragged him out of the car using excessive force. The officer was accused of smashing the car window the man was in with a woman and children inside. The officer and his fellow officers stated they feared the man may have been a threat with a weapon after refusing to step out the vehicle.
The entire incident was caught of video by the victims in the car.
Police reports state that the officer pulled the female driver in the car over for a seat belt violation. The officer asked both passengers for DL or ID’s, however, the man did not have any identification on him at the time. Police also state that the female driver in the car put the car in drive allegedly about to pull off when she was warned that “stop strips” were placed in front of the vehicle. The driver informed police that she was on her way to the hospital to visit her mother who was about to pass away at any moment. The officer asked the male to exit the car then broke the car window with his club and began to use excessive force tasing the man.
The officer is also involved in three other previous suits because of using excessive force. #911isAJokeInThisTown #ProtectAndServeMyA$$