Darren Wilson Allies Aren`t Satisfied
Darren Wilson Supporters Seek Perjury Charges….
Only after a few days of the announcement in the Mike Brown case, Wilson supporters still aren’t vindicated. Supporters of Wilson are asking that perjury charges be brought up against friend of Mike Brown, Dorian Johnson. Johnson was one of the key witnesses and also with Brown during the time of the fatal shooting, but fled the scene to avoid being arrested for robbery.
According to media outlets and documents, Johnson gave several different accounts of the shooting that killed Brown. His claims sparked the national “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” protests that have taken place around the country. After the trial and the final verdict announced, Johnson went on CNN – and according to Wilson allies – falsified his statement and now they are seeking charges of perjury.
I’m not sure what world the Wilson supporters live in, but we are having a real civil crisis on our hands. Another child has been killed and all they can think about is perjury charges!
Photo credit: USAToday