One thing I’ve learned in the past several years is that the entertainment business is a funny-acting one. This business is filled with “posers” who look to red carpets for self-gratification. They pretend to network in hopes of expanding their brand (or wallets). Instead, these fakes are in love with the moment. The moment of being seen. The moment of being around other celebrities or industry insiders. The moment of feeling as if they are important. Unfortunately, after observing this, I’ve had to develop a way to remain genuine.
How can I build business relationships that are genuine?
What I’ve learned is that, first off, you have to be a strong person to work in the entertainment industry. A weak person will not make it far in this business. He or she risks being taken advantage of. People will “try” you in various ways. Therefore, it is beneficial if you “clap back” or firmly handle the situation. The downside of being strong is that you immediately become the B*TCH From H*LL. However, there’s nothing wrong with being a little b*tchy when the environment requires it.
The best way to remain humble and genuine and still make progress may vary from person to person. However, here are a few of my personal recommendations:
1. Be Yourself, Be Genuine – People who naturally care for others, should remain that way. No need to change in order to please the next man. Stay true to yourself and genuinely-synced individuals will automatically gravitate to you.
2. Overlook the Fake – You have to have a keen eye in order to spot fakes. Some fakes hide it so well that you can’t realize that they were a “poser” until years later. Make it your business to pay these people no real attention. Remind yourself that these people are not your family or close friends and they do not love you.
3. Be Consistent – People love consistency. It is good to be consistent in how you network with others, follow-up on business calls and emails, and successfully help others. These actions will reward you with a genuine business relationship where the actions are mutual.
As people, we were created to connect with one another. Energy is transported from me to you (or vice versa) when we meet someone. The vibe (or energy) that you give off and/or receive can be detrimental to you. It can affect your ability to build new relationships. This is why it is important to know who you are and be a great judge of character.
“Posers” get caught up in the fame and become total creatures. See them for what they are worth and leave it at that. Not everyone in this business will become a friend or cool associate. Be a genuine person and those that mean you well, will appreciate you and want to do business with you.