When Terence Lester, the founder and creative director of Love Beyond Walls, was 19-years old, he faced some time behind bars. Fortunately, he came to his senses after an overnight jail stay, which ultimately changed Lester’s life and way of thinking. It was a cell mate that began talking about God and Faith and suggested that Lester find positive things to do with his life. From that experience, Lester exited jail and gave his life to God at 20 years old.
After graduating from high school as a fifth year senior, Lester eventually obtained four degrees, which include two graduate degrees. He started traveling around to speak at various juvenile detention centers, churches, schools, and any other places that would allow him to stand before youth. It is his personal story that serves as the subject matter for most of his speaking engagements, which is intended to help young people from going down the wrong path.
However, 10-months ago, Lester experienced a strange, down moment in his life. He didn’t think that he was making any real leeway with things he wanted to accomplish through his ministry. Thankfully, during a dinner conversation with his mentor, Lester conceptualized a new focus that embodied the question “How has God showed up in your life?” This thought made Lester think more on how his organization, his ministry can impact the communities greater. Then, Love Beyond Walls was formed.
Love Beyond Walls’ goal is to take “love” beyond – of not only the four walls of the church – but any four walls that exist. Lester states that, “Walls are things that are erected to keep people divided. People who are hurting need love most.”
Lester’s first initiative was to go and live as a homeless person, among other homeless people around the Christmas holidays. The initiative launched in December 2013. Over 1000 people got involved in the effort. This and many other initiatives has since launched.
“The whole mission of Love Beyond Walls is to constantly take love into places that doesn’t exist by leveraging technology and the art of storytelling and mobilizing people to take part in it,” says Lester.
Love Beyond Walls 2014 goals include: Raising Awareness of Injustices, Work to Improve Education, Resourcing Creative Leaders, and Rebuilding Damaged Communities. In May 2014, their “Closet Strike” campaign launched. Lester donated all of his clothing, with the exception of one outfit. He wore that outfit for 90 days to raise awareness about children (Grades K through 5) who have to wear the same outfit to school because their families can’t afford adequate clothing. What Lester learned from school teachers is that some kids tend to disconnect in class due to social pressures and low self-confidence. The goal of “Closet Strike” was to raise awareness by walking in their shoes and to raise closets of uniforms for kids at the Title 1 schools. The project ended in August 2014 with Love Beyond Walls securing over 300 uniforms.
For 2015, the top goal for the organization is to create employment for the youth, homeless or and/or individuals who live in undeserving communities. Also, next year they seek to teach young kids more about how to leverage technology for good.
Given the timing of Eric Garner and Mike Brown situations and the recent protests on behalf of the non-indictments served to the accused police officers, Lester spoke on his thoughts surrounding the incidents and what we should do as a community going forward.
“I believe the imagery that’s been portrayed, specifically of a young African-American, hasn’t been in a positive light. Every time we’ve seen a major incident surrounding a young African-American, it’s been either major trouble or that individual has been slain. I think it is a clarion call to our communities to rediscover our voice. Speaking to the rioting and stuff like that, I understand that psychologically African-Americans have been oppressed and the only time to express a voice has been through an emotion of anger. We have to find healthy ways to build a platform to give ourselves a voice, and to find our voice in America.
Also, I think it speaks to this yearning to really get involved with our communities. Not on an event-by-event basis, but in the trenches every day. Working among young people, being in their lives and teaching them and educating them about the law, about their own identities, about the role they can play in this country that we live in.
Many of our youth need direction. Not saying that Mike Brown was fatherless, but many of our youth need direction. We need more men not being in prison. We need more men spending tangible time, specifically with African-American youth. I was a product of a single-parent household and I know how anger and rage stirred in me. I think a lot of anger and rage would reduce if fathers were more present. If you are not a father, then mentors are present.
So, I think that it speaks to us and the proper ways to express our voices with rebuilding our communities and also providing sound direction for our young people. It was disheartening, dehumanizing, and a disaster. But, I don’t think this should be a wedge that divides races even more. I have a heart for racial reconciliation. Before racial reconciliation can happen, we have to be reconciled ourselves and be united among ourselves. “
Terence Lester, his wife Cecilia, and the Love Beyond Walls organization strives to be a positive force in the Atlanta area and beyond. Their outreach initiatives are progressive ideas that impacts major issues within poverty-stricken communities head on. So to show support for Love Beyond Walls and to join their movement, visit www.LoveBeyondWalls.org and/or follow them @lovebeyondwalls.
To follow Terrence Lester on social media, follow him on Instagram @terencelester, Twitter @iamterencelester, and on Facebook.com/TerenceLester.
UPDATE [@3:15PM, 12/8/14]:
The Love Beyond Walls organization has jump started their #MobileMakeover campaign. The campaign’s mission is to raise donations will help gut out a donated bus and transform the interior into a full-service mobile makeover station. The Mobile Makeover bus will ride through various undeserved communities and provide homeless individuals with clothing, grooming, showers, and more. Watch the introductory video below where Founder, Terence Lester, explains the purpose of the campaign:
To raise money for the campaign, Lester will attempt to live on top of the bus for 30 days. Please visit lovebeyondwalls.org and click Mobile Makeovers to learn more about the campaign.