According to SCORE, angel investors give financial investments to certain industries known to turn a profit. Therefore, SCORE has compiled a set of statistics that lists the top industries that receive the most investments and who are the typical angel investors.
The top 4 industries that attract angel investors are:
1. Software (23%)
2. Healthcare (14%)
3. Biotech (11%)
4. Media (11%)
Coming in at no. 5 is Retail (7%). Financial Services and other Miscellaneous industries represent carve out the remaining 34%.
In case you are looking for an angel investor, here are a few characteristics that may help in the search:
- Successful entrepreneur investing their personal money in businesses close to home.
- They judge potential investments primarily by ROI (return on investment) and 26% ROI is the average annual return.
- On average, 3 of 10 considered deals are accepted.
- 18% of angel investors are women and 4% are minorities.
For more information on angel funding, visit