Grammy Award winning music producer-songwriter-rapper, T-Pain, recently visited “Larry King Now” to speak candidly about his upcoming album Stoicville, personal battles, Cee Lo Green, and disgust with record labels.
At one time, T-Pain was the go-to guy for hit songs. Every major artists, especially urban artists, would look to the Tallahassee, FL native for that big hit that could guarantee millions of records to be sold. But, after Jay-Z released “Death of Autotune,” T-Pain’s career began to dwindle. It is speculated that this caused the artist to go into an alcoholic-driven depression and live – for several years – out of the public’s eye. He sat down with Larry King to explain his depression and to let others know that it’s you that holds you back.
“It’s always good to show people that you can be happy and that you can get out of depression and there’s nothing holding you back, but yourself.”
T-Pain discussed his adoration for Cee Lo Green and his ability to be himself throughout his career. The two superstars share common interest in that they both rap, produce, and both reside in Atlanta. And like both, the pressures put upon them from their record label are inevitable.
To consistently produce hit songs has caused a lot of strife for T-Pain. He says that music execs are “stupid” to think that “they [fans] will like whatever we put out.”
The future of T-Pain’s ability to create hits are unknown. But, what we do know is that his album Stoicville is on its way and will be his most personal album yet. He tells Larry that he is done with making hits and that the album reflects what is on his heart.
“I think the rest of the Stoicville album is just more truthful to me, I just feel like it’s, you know, just things that are on my heart instead of just trying to make hits.”
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