First Dwyane Wade marries Gabriel Union after news hit about his #breakbaby. Now, Ludacris proposes to his longtime boo Eudoxie after news hit this year about a child being conceived (and born) outside of their relationship. Is this the norm nowadays? Do men feel as though the only way to say “please forgive me” is to “put a ring on it?”
Yes, like most women, I like nice gifts. And yes, if my man does wrong, diamonds could be a great way to apologize. But, a diamond ring (or wealth) couldn’t replace the embarrassment of an outside baby. You see Tina Knowles finally left her no good husband Matthew! At some point, as women, we have to love ourselves enough to be okay with leaving a tarnished relationship.
AND…don’t let Instagram fool you. It is okay being single.
Infidelity during a relationship can be manageable. However, cheating and creating a baby, is something totally different. There are levels to cheating and a baby tops the charts. Infidelity and babies being conceived has been going on for years. I know this. Some women part ways, while others remain in the relationship despite looking like a plum fool. But, for what reason though?
Is it the money and the lifestyle that these men provide? Or is it because of LOVE?
Please help me figure it out readers.
Yes! There are levels to cheating, and making a baby tops the chart! I agree 100%!
these men got to do better…