Before you use a program or online service to prepare your tax return, you may want to check the fine print and make sure you’re getting what you pay for. Intuit’s popular TurboTax Deluxe Edition recently underwent some changes that has caused a surge in customer complaints.
For 2014’s tax season, TurboTax has changed the users ability to complete certain forms. Individuals that run a home-based business, own a farm or rental property, and such, will not be able to file the necessary schedules to claim those profits/losses or expenses.
According to Intuit, the Deluxe Edition no longer carries the schedule C, D, E, or F forms. Many users, who began filing after January 1st, didn’t recognize this change until they began plugging in their information into the program. Also, users noticed that TurboTax maintains the same price of $59.99, even though these schedules are no longer included. If they do desire to complete the schedules, the program refer users to the Premier version at an upcharge of $25-$30. Users can also access these schedules in the Home & Business edition for approximately $40 additional dollars (from the original Deluxe price).
Despite the massive complaints, a few users have discovered a way to fill out the missing schedules. Apparently, TurboTax gives users the option to fill out the forms manually. Unfortunately, users can’t upload the forms into the software and file them electronically with their tax returns.
At this point, the best option for users who file schedules C, D, E, and/or F, is to purchase the Premier or Home & Business editions. It will cost users up to an additional $40, but for TurboTax’s convenience, it is arguably the best way to go.