Mother Charged in Death of 5 year-old Son
Kentucky mother charged with manslaughter….
Lacey Spears, age 27, of Scottsville, Kentucky, could face a life sentence after the death of her son. Prosecutor Doreen Lloyd said “This mother was intentionally feeding her child salt at toxic levels.” Doctor reports show that Spears son, 5 year-old Garnett Paul Spears, had high levels of sodium that rose to a dangerous point without any medical explanation that lead to a swollen brain, seizures and later death.
The odd twist in the story is that Spears went to social media soliciting prayers and convincing the public that she was a devoted mother, all while she was slowly killing her child. Prosecutors argued to the judge and jurors that Spears often lied to the doctors about Garnett’s health, claiming that he had celiac disease which turned out to be false.