If you were in Atlanta this past weekend, then you know there were many events surrounding the annual Bronner Brothers Mid-Winter Hair and Beauty Show. One beauty, who usually partake in the hair show festivities, was in town to host her very own vision board party.
Actress and entrepreneur, LisaRaye McCoy, hit the city to kick-off her Life Rocks Vision Board Workshop tour. The workshop was held on Sunday, February 22nd at the M Rich building in downtown Atlanta. Participants got the opportunity to create vision boards as LisaRaye shared her personal journey on how she maintains the ROCK in her life. Alongside LisaRaye was guest speaker Prophet Luther McKinstry.
Sponsors included Nancy’s Pizza, Exclusiv Vodka, and Ashley Stewart.
The Life Rocks Vision Board Workshop is scheduled to hit Houston, Chicago, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, New Orleans, San Fransisco, Dallas, and Detroit. To find out more information or to register, visit www.lisaraye.com. Follow on social media @thereallraye1 !