Apparently, there’s a slow brewing hatred for “Selfie sticks” and many tourist attractions are banning them.
The latest gadget craze, the selfie stick, has people carrying them around everywhere. But, many of the world’s top tourist attractions are sick of them already.
One heavily visited spot outside of Paris, Palace of Versailles, banned the gadget. Officials say that selfie sticks are obnoxious and potentially dangerous. Museums and art galleries, especially, are extremely critical of the selfie sticks. Because of its pole extension, there’s a fear that tourists will accidentally hit and damage pricey artwork or other things inside the building.
As of now, the ban is a global thing. France, Austria, and Italy have banned the selfie stick from some of their tourist attractions. In the U.S., the Smithsonian museums in Washington will not allow them in. Also, selfie sticks are not allowed at the Art Institute of Chicago, New York Museum of Modern Art, and the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Other than museums, some sports events are saying NO to the stick as well. For instance, Britain and Brazil has banned selfie sticks at their soccer stadiums for fear that fans will use them as weapons during rival games.