In the span of one’s life, incidents will occur that will have an impact on your finances. It’s inevitable. But, are we able to recognize those life triggers? Are we able to anticipate those incidents and make the necessary adjustments that’ll give you your desired financial result? A lot of us do not. This is why some people aren’t able to emotionally handle financial obstacles when they happen; sending themselves into depression, anxiety, and/or self-inflicted harm.
So, how can we be proactive when it comes to our money? First thing is to understand the triggers. According to life coach Tony Robbins, there are 5 changes in life we should look out for.
1. Your Kids & Education – Are your kids going to college next year – or in the next 18 years? When it comes time to retire, will you be prepared to not only survive, but to thrive?
2. Job Loss – Do you have a course of action to take if you lost your job? If you want to earn more, what is your plan to make it happen? If you own a business, do you have both an escape plan and a map for growth?
3. Economic Change – The cold, hard truth is that our economy will never get “back to normal.” The global financial landscape has experienced a deep and lasting seismic shift. What does that shift mean for your future? How can you capitalize on a change in the economy – in both up and down markets?
4. Real Estate & Investments – The value of your investments can change in an afternoon. How are you prepared to be nimble when your existing investments don’t produce the returns you expected?
5. Old Age, Health, Etc. – Aging parents, an illness, a move, a marriage, divorce, or a birth can have momentous effect on your financial situation. Are you ready for the sudden turns your personal life can take?
The assignment is to ask yourself these questions and plan your life out accordingly. Of course, no one can predict the future. But, having a close idea of what may happen in your life, is better than having no clue. Don’t wait around until something happens. Be proactive about your finances. “Plan your budget with sudden change at the front of your mind, not the back,” says Tony Robbins.