Petty Police Resign
Who said racism and sexism wasn’t real….
Congrats are in order for Parma, Missouri for electing its first African American woman elected as Mayor. Even though the city has made huge strides, several police officials don’t agree with an African American female taking rank.
Tyrus Byrd, a former city clerk, was sworn in as Mayor this month after beating incumbent Randal Ramsey, who served as mayor for 37 years. Ramsey reported that 5 of the 6 police officers in the small town resigned, citing “safety concerns.” In addition to the officers Parma’s city attorney, clerk and water treatment supervisor also submitted their resignation letters.
It’s unfortunate that America the “land of equality and justice for all” is still back tracking after so much progress. I think one thing this people fail to realize is that they are replaceable and jobs are hard to find so good luck on your future endeavors. Congrats to Mayor Tyrus Byrd!