Teacher Accused of Bullying Student
Middle school student stands for her rights….
Fatima Smart of Monadnock Regional Middle School was forced to leave the classroom when she refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Smart told school officials, her parents and WMUR 9 news that she felt embarrassed and bullied after she was kicked out of class. She stated that she informed the teacher that she does not believe in the government and refused to recite the pledge based on her beliefs and her legal rights.
“I believe it was a personal issue for [the teacher],” Smart’s mother Kerry Boscarino tells Yahoo Parenting. “She said that she was the daughter of a military man and found it offensive because of that. But I really don’t think that my daughter sitting for the pledge is an attack on the military in any way, shape, or form.”
Smart’s parents are asking for an apology or will take this matter to court for intimidating and humiliating their daughter in front of the class.