This week, we will take a pause from The Ratchet Report. We have heard all of the reports from the most recent Charleston shooting that left 9 people dead in a Charleston, SC Black AME church. This is not the first time that a senseless act of violence has happened in the world, however, this is what happens when there is more HATE and less LOVE.
The definition of HATE is to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest. There are so many religions in the world and so many different ways of thinking, however, our “Religious Leaders” are talking more about homosexuality, making money, etc. versus what God really stands for and that’s LOVE. It’s unfortunate that in 2015 people are still showing HATE towards a group of people because of things they don’t understand or don’t care to understand. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not blaming religion for the acts of violence because everyone is accountable for their own actions. But, it is a spiritual warfare.
We’ve experienced hate crimes from the King Assassination, Kennedy Assassination, the church bombing in Birmingham that killed 4 little innocent girls, and now “The Charleston Shooting.”
Where do we go from here and when will the Hate stop?
This is what we know so far from the Charleston Shooting (Source:
- 9 people were killed in a shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historic black church in Charleston, S.C., Wednesday night.
- FBI identified the suspect as 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof.
- Roof was arrested in Shelby, N.C., Thursday morning during a traffic stop, police say.
- Federal authorities are treating the attack as a hate crime.
- Gunman attended a bible study class at the church for about an hour before opening fire, officials said.
- Victims included S.C. State Sen. Clementa Pinckney, a pastor at the church.
- President Obama condemned the killings as another example of mass gun violence.
My question is…how could a 21 year-old young man have so much hate against anyone to walk inside a church and kill 9 people? What are we teaching our children? What type of example are we setting as a nation? I personally don’t think this young man has experienced life enough to make a determination that a particular group of people don’t deserve to live.
My prayers and condolences go to the family and friends of the shooting victims and people all over the world who have been impacted by any act of senseless violence.
Photo credit: NY Daily News