To help promote more positive (or so it seems) television programming, Bravo TV will premiere a new show on Sunday, June 14 at 9p ET/PT.
The show is called “Mother Funders” for Christ’s sake! Really Bravo. That’s all you could think of.
Anyway, “Mother Funders” focuses on a group of parents who resides in Locust Grove, GA. They are all apart of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at their local elementary school. The show stars Shayzon Price, LaShon Thompson, Amber Coulter, Robin Dyke and ex-PTO member, Shana Koorse. All of the ladies come together to raise $100,000 for the school. But can they pull it off under the leadership of “Queen Bee” President Carla Stephens.
Watch the trailer:
Hmmm…this show may crash and burn after one season like VH1’s “Sorority Sisters”. What do you all think?
For more details on the cast members, visit