Chili’s Waiter Gone Wild
New York waiter accused of spitting in customer drink….
The case is a year old, however, charges have officially been served on a waiter who was accused of spitting in a customer drink.
The incident happened last July when Ken Yerdon and his family went to authorities for accusations that their server Gregory Lamica had spit in his drink. Yerdon stated that he complained that the food was undercooked and they had not been served any chips. However, Yerdon was very polite and even lift a tip. Yerdon stated that before he and his family left the establishment he asked for a to-go cup for his drink.
“The lid popped off and I looked in and there was some spit in the cup,” Yerdon said, noting “it was really bad.”
Yerdon went back to the restaurant to inform the management and later went to authorities where they took the cup in for DNA testing. Authorities went to the home of Lamica to question him and also get a DNA sample of his saliva. All test came back positive and as of this month Lamica was charged with disorderly conduct. Yerdon is also suing Lamica and the restaurant, but the company nor Yerdon is able to comment until the case is officially closed.