We interrupt this week’s Ratchet Report for a call to action.
Time is long overdue to wake up! Over the course of several years there have been multiple homicide cover ups connected to police departments across the country. Most recently we learned about the case of Sandra Bland, a woman that was found dead in her cell at the Waller County Jail in Houston, Texas, just days after she was detained by police during a routine traffic stop for allegedly assaulting a police officer.
In March, Spencer McCain (41) was shot by police in Baltimore during an alleged domestic dispute call because police suspected he had a weapon. Three officers, believing McCain had a weapon, opened fire but no weapon was found. Two of the officers in this case are white, and one is black all whom have been placed on administrative leave.
Let us not forget Michael Brown in Ferguson, Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Eric Garner from New York, and Freddie Gray also of Baltimore. When do we as a society of all races, gender and creed say enough is enough and stand up for justice for all?
How can we feel safe when the laws that are “supposed” to protect us do just the opposite? How can we teach our children to love one another and grow up to be productive law abiding citizens when the world we live in contradicts everything we say and try our best to believe in? We live in a world and legal society that is quick to throw the book with so much trash sitting at their own front door. When will enough be enough? When will we be able to rise up together and unite against the real enemy?
Anytime any person (White or Black) can open fire in a church, kill nine people (including a pastor) during a prayer meeting and receives over $4 million in donations and ask judge for sympathy, then something is truly wrong. It’s time we wake up and demand answers and justice.