TRR: Tither Get the Boot, Colostomy Thieves and Non-Thieves

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Falsely Accused of Shoplifting

Store Mistakes Colostomy Bag for Stolen Goods….


Lee Winters-Jones was in the shock of his life after he was stopped in a store for shoplifting. Jones had been shopping in NEXT in Prestatyn, Wales, and noticed an assistant following him down the stairs. He continued to shop in other stores such as Marks and Spencer when he was confronted for stealing.

Jones suffers from Crohn’s disease and is forced to carry his colostomy bag underneath his jumper. Jones stated “I felt forced to show him that underneath my jumper was my colostomy bag, and I told him that he had discriminated against me, he denied this.

“He said a quick sorry, then he just walked off. It was a horrible experience, I felt very shaken up, there was a lot of people in the store. It was a public shaming and I hadn’t even done something.”

Jones was offered $500 for compensation for the public embarrassment.


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