By: Antoinette Alston, contributing intern
As a college student or graduate, life can be difficult with exams, final papers, or important events. Keys to success are getting organized and staying organized. Being structured is an essential tool for your growth and development. These simple tips will help aid you on your planning journey in order to have a better functioning life.
Step 1: Find one that works best.
College life is not easy. Don’t add on extra pressures by not being organized. Trying to remember all the important dates for finals and mid terms without writing them down can cause anyone stress. Take your time and be accurate with your work. Don’t give up just because one method does not work for you. These tips are meant to be your guide. Some may or may not work, but you need to stay focused and keep trying until you find one that sticks. As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” neither will a schedule if you don’t follow its principles.
Step 2: Keep your room and work space tidy.
When you lived at home your parents told you, “Clean up your room,” but now that you’re in college you can cross that off your list, right? It is easy to say, “I will pick that up later,” or “I have work to do.” College life is meant for exploring, but your room and work areas should be clean. If your room is messy your work ethic will be messy too. A clean room helps you maintain a focused mindset. You can find everything you need instead of scrambling through papers for important documents.
Step 3: Plan ahead with a planner or calendar.
One of the most necessary tools a college student/graduate needs is a planner or calendar. In order to be organized you have to think organization. A planner is like a memo pad you will utilized on a daily basis. It is a hand written tool that will serve best for your everyday activities. A calendar is like a planner, but on a broader level. You can quickly research your upcoming events by reviewing it and becoming alert. Planning ahead will functionalize your working environment and overall daily living. Include all dates of your most important events and study times. Making this a habit will make you not only a better student/employer, but it will also boost your confidence. You can also try using a white board or time constructive planner as more effective tools. White boards are reusable and provide a much better visible use.
Step 4: Be affordable when organizing.
Every town has a local Dollar store that bares the essential necessities like: one subject notebooks, color folders, pen, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes, and even calculators. Don’t be ashamed to bargain with a budget. Buying expensive school supplies and calendars will not make you stay organized; it will just cause you to have less money to spend elsewhere. Coast effective purchases on materials will create more funding in your pocket and allow you to be prepared just like those fancy supplies. Another cost efficient way to save money is utilizing apps from your mobile phone. Most calendar and organizational apps are free, while others coast $1.99 or more.
Step 5: Stick to your schedule.
If you understand the importance of thinking ahead with planning, why not try it and stick to it. “Say what you mean, and mean what you say,” is the motto most people in today’s era follow. Why shouldn’t you? If your plan is to become organized throughout your daily life, try your best to follow your plan. Schedules can be hard to stick by, but if you work hard and try it for one week, you will see the improvements it will bring.
If you are set on getting organized this semester start with buying a planner or calendar. Then you can color code the materials you‘ve purchased from the dollar store. Being organized is the key to future success. If you don’t start the initial steps towards an organizational technique now, it will hinder you in your future endeavors. Don’t be like other college students by cramming the night before a major test. Be prepared and think ahead for better grades and a peaceful mind.