In 2010, Janell Stephens stepped out on faith to eventually grow a highly-successful hair care products company. Her company is the producer of Camille Rose Naturals, a vegan collection of food-inspired hair and body products. The product line has grown in popularity and is currently sold in major stores like Target, Bed, Bad & Beyond, and Whole Foods.
As a mother of five, Stephens knows what it takes to start a business from the ground level and still be able to juggle other life’s duties. Through trial and error, she’s figured out how to balance motherhood, business, and health by following a few simple steps.
1. Believe in yourself. Before you set out to do anything extraordinary, you have to believe in yourself. You’ll encounter plenty of people along the way who will doubt your ability. Having a strong confidence that success, on your terms, truly is possible will help fuel your entrepreneurial drive.
2. Know your limits and accept them. It’s true that you have to work hard to be successful. But, working hard doesn’t necessarily mean working all the time. It’s okay to say “no” to some opportunities or even put things on the back burner until you have the time to give them the attention they deserve. No one (including you!) benefits when you push yourself beyond your emotional or physical limits.
3. Set your work hours and commit to them. In order to give your family the attention they deserve, you must set your work hours around the times that your children and husband are already occupied (school, work, etc.). Create a schedule with what you’d like to accomplish in those precious four to five uninterrupted hours. You’d be surprised by how much you can get done by staying focused on a few daily tasks and not getting sidetracked by random to-do’s that sneak into your inbox.
4. Find your peace. At some point in the day, you’ll need to take time to relax and clear your mind. If the kitchen is your resting place, whip up dinner while mentally unwinding from your business life. Not as domesticated? Take 15 minutes to relax with a calming cup of tea. Whatever you choose, taking time to find your peace in the midst of a chaotic day will help recharge your mind and body.
5. Exercise and eat right. Know this: superwoman can’t get sick. So managing your health through regular exercise and clean eating is essential. A good early morning workout increases energy naturally, while keeping your body in tip top shape. Eating a balanced diet is a must, too. Consider limiting your sugar intake and adding in more veggies, fruit and grains. Nurturing your body from the inside will reflect on the outside as you make the “do it all” life look easy!
Camille Rose Naturals is dedicated to developing and marketing hand-made hair, skin and body care products for modern natural hair lovers. The name “Camille Rose” pays homage to Stephens’ maternal grandmother, whom she says was the original Mixtress™ who created home-made concoctions to improve the health of her family.
To learn more about the brand, please visit