Trick Daddy love the kids…but not enough to pay child support.
According to TMZ, the Miami, FL rapper claims he is FLAT BROKE and is forced to file for Chapter 11. With checks from his music publishing and club appearances/performances, Trick Daddy still makes an estimated $14,500 a month. Unfortunately, this isn’t enough to cover the following debt:
- Mortgage = $280,000
- Unpaid taxes = $290,000
- Child support #1 = $22,282
- Child support #2 = $34, 837
He claims he has $430,000 in assets, but that washes out with the amount of debt he’s accumulated.
What happened to the Eat The Booty Gang movement he started about a year ago? Wasn’t he making money off of t-shirts or something?
Anyway, Trick Daddy got to do what he got to do. We don’t blame him. However, it’ll be good if he puts out some new music for his fans. That’ll help get his weight up!
Photo: WGCI