With over 22.5 million viewers in its season two premiere episode, FOX’s hit television show “Empire” may be too big for its britches. Therefore, the word “expansion” is already in being mumbled by network executives and the show’s producers.
According to Lee Daniels, an “Empire” spin-off will happen “without question.” The new show is likely to appear sometime next year. Ideas are floating around as to which character the new series will be based around. Fox TV Group co-chief Dana Walden says that the character must have enough depth in order to carry a whole new show.
“If there’s a character … that feels original enough, has enough momentum and enough of a storytelling engine, we will definitely look to spin Empire off for next season,” she said. Said character, Walden added, “would, in all likelihood, appear in the second half of this season.”
To be honest, Cookie Lyons would be our first choice. Cookie’s early childhood and, maybe, her prison stint would be very interesting to see. But, since she’s a main character, Daniels and FOX may not want to remove her from “Empire” due to her popularity. Others whose life could possibly pull it off would be one of the boys (Andre, Jamal or Hakeem). Boo Boo Kitty’s background is unknown at this point. So, who knows, they may actually be looking to expand her character.
Walden says that there is, however, another pilot floating around. This time, it’s about a young rising singing group and the show is called “Star”. She says that the script has been submitted and the development team feels real positive about it.