Based on a true story, “The Indictment” focuses on a man that is incarcerated and the things his woman must go through on the outside. This is what makes this web series different from the rest. The spouses/girlfriends, friends, and family have to maintain their lives all while their loved ones are doing time. Sometimes this causes unwanted emotional distress, financial problems, and in the case of “The Indictment,” a whole lot more in the cutthroat streets of New York.
In comparison to other YouTube web series, “The Indictment” takes place in various boroughs all over the Big Apple. The main character Niccol is faced with the daunting task of holding down her man. If you have never experienced having a significant other that is incarcerated, then you know it takes a lot of work. Niccol is faced with securing lawyers, putting money in his commissary, and everything else that involves trying to get him out of this situation.
The cast includes DJ XXXotic Mami aka Niccol, Brownie Babii aka Brownie, Ms. Bizness aka Biz, Tru aka Andre (Mack Dre), DJ Digga aka Digga aka Attny Harris, Freckles aka Freckles, Pook Ta Life aka Pook, LQ The King aka Q, Nay Nillz aka Nay, Cann Cann aka Cann Cann, Danny aka Diva, Michele Lawson aka Mama, and Logan R & B as Logan. The cast members are fresh off the block. Each member is a native of New York. The majority of them were brought into the fold by DJ XXXotic Mami, who is also the show’s executive producer and CEO of Niccol Productions. The cast are all natural talents who, surprisingly, never attended acting classes or participate in an acting gig. Q was the only one that actually auditioned for his role.
From the first episode, viewers can see the twist and turns that ensue after a loving engagement turns sour by law enforcement. But what holds this web series together is the characters and what they each stand for. Interestingly, the reoccurring theme among all of them is “loyalty”. During an exclusive interview with the cast, Q reiterated how loyalty plays a huge part in the show’s content.
“Being a good friend, someone that’s going to be right there in a real serious situation. Like in which he goes to jail and he needs his homie, his man out here making sure everything is running smoothly. And looking after what he need to look after. So just making sure there are eyes on the outside. A good friend being loyal.”
One intricate aspect that exist while a person is incarcerated is the love. Establishing trust and emotions while someone is locked up can be testy. Niccol’s relationship is the foundation for the entire web series. We often hear stories told by women on how and why they deal with a prisoner. But you hardly hear it from a man’s perspective. “The Indictment” does a good job at showing how an incarcerated man handles a relationship while locked up.
Tru aka Mac Dre says, “As a man on the inside, you’re trying to keep yourself straight and keep your mind off of what’s going on outside. But at the same time, when you think about your woman, you’re thinking about is she being faithful to you. Is she messing with somebody else? Is she really going to hold me down? Is she going to take care my lawyer? Is she going to come see me when I need a visit? Is she going to play me while I’m in here? When I get out will I find different things? Or is she going to leave me alone and leave me for dead while I’m in here?”
With over 2100 YouTube subscribers, 140,000 plus views, and 13 episodes-to-date, “The Indictment” has quickly grown in popularity. The grittiness of the production and content leave viewers eager to know what’s going to happen next. Another great thing about the show is that it brings awareness to current events. Black Lives Matter and the mass church shootings are just examples of topics that are included in the web series.
“The Indictment” keeps things realistic. It isn’t afraid to share the truth about police corruption and imprisonment that may or may not be justified. All the more reasons why people should tune in each Tuesday at 9:00pm EST on or
For more information on Niccol Productions or “The Indictment” visit: . Also, follow them on social media at Instagram @the_indictment or Twitter @_the_indictment !
Listen to the full interview below:
You can follow the cast at:
DJ XXXotic Mami as Niccol @DJ3xoticmami
Focus as Andre (Mack Dre) @thankgodimfocus
Nay Nillz as Nay @naynillz
Brownie Babii as Brownie @browniebabii
Ms Bizness as Biz @bizbaby
DJ Digga as Digga / Attny Harris @djdigga
Pook Ta Life as Pook @pooktalife
Lloyd as Q @lqtheking
Shaun as Pablo @shaunDaDon
Freckles as Freckles @goldnutella_
Mann Hcide as Mann @zombi3_lif3_fr3sh
Logan RnB as Logan @loganrnb