Investing in stocks doesn’t take rocket science. To understand what stocks are good and which ones are not does, however, take a bit of know-how. This is why it is important to educate yourself on the basics of investing. We all want financial security, but you have to begin at point A. But this isn’t the post that’s going to teach you the basics. This article is for those individuals who are currently dabbing in the market and want to know which stocks are hot.
[Search “Investing 101” or “Investments” on our site to find articles on investing basics]
It’s only Tuesday but the stock market Gods are highlighting the following Top 10 Hot Stocks for the week.
It should be a no-brainer as to why Apple, Inc continues to do so well. Although on Monday, in the lieu of Federal chairwoman Janet Yellin stating a potential rate hike, the stock market went down. But, the month prior was a strong month for jobs and stocks. November should be no different.