Part one of “Love & Hip Hop Hollywood” Season 2 Reunion aired Monday night (Nov 30) on VH1. As expected, there were arguments between the cast members and a couple of emotional moments here and there. Ray J, Princess, Fizz, Nikki, Teairra Mari, Moniece, Rich, and the rest of the LHHH cast made it to the reunion, with the exception of Omarion and Apryl who were resting at home from touring. Honestly, we don’t watch the show each week. However, we did have an opportunity to catch up on the season just to tune in to the reunion. This season seemed to be all over the place, but most air time was definitely given to Moniece’s parenting story line, Milan & Miles, and Ray J & Princess love affair.
To start, what struck a cord during the reunion was how Rich Dollaz said he truly loves Moniece. It’s crazy how a guy, who’s been seen with several women in the past few years, can jump that fast into a new relationship. And then, announce that he is in love! Yeh right. We aren’t sure if Moniece and Rich’s relationship this season was on-screen trickery. But, it just seems quite odd. It’s almost like everyone is working hard to see which couple will be first to get a “wedding” spin-off, which is also getting redundant. Too bad, Moniece and Rich isn’t up next. In fact, Ray J and Princess will “allegedly” be sharing their marriage to the world via television.
By the way, what’s really going on with Moniece? When she walked off stage to “take a moment” she came off as a bit crazy. We hope these celebs put in an application for a federal “crazy check” when they get older because they continue to do too much on television.
Poor Milan and Miles… for them to be the first male gay couple on a urban reality show, it’s sad that the two ended it with a breakup. Miles affect on Amber and both of their families was hard to watch on the reunion. However, it’s good to know that they accept him as a bisexual/gay man. Milan is not here for it though. More explosive details about their relationship is to be aired during part two next week.
Although Ray J and Princess was real frou-frou this season, seeing Playa Ray settle down is commendable. Teairra tried to swindle him back with the text messages, but got nowhere evidently.
Question is when will Teairra get herself a love interest on the show?? Hopefully, this can be part of her story line in Season 3.
Everything else that went on at the reunion was a bore.
To catch up on the reunion shenanigans, visit