By: Faisal Quyyumi, contributing intern (@_faisalquyyumi)
The President of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences (AMPAS), Cheryl Boone Isaacs, recently announced that the organization will double the number of female and minority members.
In case you were wondering, this is the organization who annually hosts the Oscars and has faced extreme scrutiny after releasing its nominees for acting and directing, which included no individuals of color. Despite praised performances by Michael B. Jordan (Creed), Will Smith (Concussion), Jason Mitchell (Straight Outta Compton), John Boyega (Star Wars: The Force Awakens), and plenty more, the four acting categories consists of all white nominations.
Director Spike Lee along with Jada and Will Smith have indicated that they will not attend the award ceremony. Lee stated that he will instead be watching his beloved New York Knicks play at home. After hundreds suggested Oscar host Chris Rock to boycott the event, he has instead decided to rewrite the entire monologue.
The Academy also announced that three new seats would be added in order to diversify the leadership and shortly after Mrs. Isaacs stated that, “These new measures regarding governance and voting will have an immediate impact and begin the process of significantly changing our membership composition.” However, these actions are said to be completed by 2020, giving the academy another four years of improper judgment.
Actors Don Cheadle and Matt Damon both praised the future goals although Damon believes that the company still has a “long, long, long way to go”. (via
Although broadening the board of AMPAS might be the politically correct move, I still believe that it shouldn’t matter gender or ethnicity to determine how to nominate; anybody is able to identify true talent.