Cozz has had a great 12-month span. This is all due to his Cozz and Effect album. As underrated as the album is, that didn’t stop him from growing his repertoire. J. Cole even gave his own artist some honest props on the album. Cozz’s massive hunger has assisted in making a way for his music to be heard. And that hunger is nothing but apparent on Nothin Personal.
Instead of being lazy and relying on his same approach, Cozz is still relentless. For example, “All Eyez On Me” features words like “made it out the land where they shoot you if its envy/I’m a 90’s baby but I grew up in the 60’s”. Next thing you know, we have tracks like “Grey Goose” to switch things up. This is a testament to his work ethic. In short, Cozz did not want his mixtape to sound like his previous album.
Still, we have to understand that Cozz may not be everyone’s favorite rapper. This is the same thing that is noticed with his boss J. Cole. In fact, they do share the same similarities: they both go for catchy beats and club friendly tracks. Instead, they opt for lyrics with meaning and production that allow for that collective thought. Basically, what makes Cozz stand out is the same aspects that will keep others from listening to him.
In the end, Cozz can claim that he hasn’t released a weak effort. Being on Dreamville has to be difficult on its own. However, he has worked hard to not be totally overshadowed by J. Cole’s success. Nothin Personal is another example of hard work and focus. It has worked for Cozz and there is no end in sight for his progress in hip hop.