Don’t get high on your own supply. Better yet, don’t DIE!
Indonesia’s National Narcotics Agency is hoping a new set of rules will be implemented to drastically slow down their ever-growing drug problem. The agency is proposing that drug dealers be made to eat their own supply until they die as a new form of punishment.
There are an estimated 4.5 million drug addicts in Indonesia, which 33 individuals are dying of drug overdoses on the daily. The NNA is also proposing death by firing squad for the same drug offenses. However, some lawmakers are rejecting the proposals because of their lack of differentiation between addicts and criminals. Meaning, why hold a drug “user” up to the same deadly consequences as the “dealer” if they are caught with drugs?
Last year, Indonesia temporarily stopped all executions. One British grandmother, Lindsay Sandiford, life was spared after she was given temporary reprieve. She was caught smuggling cocaine into Bali.
Source: DailyMail