By: Kira Demund, contributing intern (@kiracarinaa)
When talking memorable rap record labels, Bad Boy Records, among many others, probably come to mind. Twenty-one years later, Junior M.A.F.I.A’s “Get Money” is an instant crowd-pleaser. Hip-hop heads and millennials alike can still recite all the words to Biggie Small’s “Juicy.”
Bad Boy Records has had such an amazing run in the rap industry, that this year Diddy announced the Bad Boy Family Reunion Tour with headlining acts such as Lil Kim, Ma$e, The LOX, and Faith Evans. The reunion tour was a great success with their first show kicking off in Brooklyn, New York.
However, it seems as though Diddy has left some of their labelmates behind. While Diddy gave us hits we will never forget such as “It’s All About The Benjamins” and legends like Biggie, he is also guilty of signing artists that now make us wonder “where are they now?”
In fact, Diddy is even aware of the fact that everything he touches does not turn into gold. In an interview with Playboy, Diddy was quoted saying: “People say if you sign with Puff, you won’t be successful. They try to break it down by asking where past artists from Bad Boy are. If you look at who was on Def Jam seven years ago, those aren’t the same people who are on Def Jam now. Same for Sony and Universal. It’s the life expectancy of somebody on a label, that’s what it is. Also, I’ve protected a lot of artists who’ve had drug problems or have been arrested. I’m a label, not a babysitter.”
For these acts signed to Bad Boy Records, they were good for a catchy single or two, but there was not much longevity in their careers. Here are 10 acts you forgot were signed to Bad Boy…