A driver is suing rap vet Busta Rhymes for $40,000. He claims that he suffered emotional pain while chauffeuring Busta Rhymes around New York City.
The 57-year-old David Jones claims that he worked for Busta for two years. During that time, Jones was berated due to his age.
According to Page Six, Jones received verbal lashings several times a week.
“You’re driving your age — I can see that” and “You drive like an old man,” were comments Busta allegedly made to Jones as he chauffeured him from his Brooklyn home to various locations in New York City.
“These remarks, repeated two to three times a week, were intentionally hurtful, upset the plaintiff and injured his feelings.”
In his court documents, Jones also pinpoint a time when Busta Rhymes shoved and cursed at him, during a verbal exchange.
Busta Rhymes is known to act outrageous from time to time. He cut the fool in Miami’s Cheeseberger Baby, in 2013, when the restaurant wouldn’t allow him to skip the line.
However, this lawsuit is a waste of time.
photo credit: Fox5NY