By: Kira Demund, contributing intern (@kiracarinaa)
Following the death of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, several companies have expressed their condolences and their support for the Black Lives Matter campaign. Joining companies such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook is online music streaming service Pandora. Friday, Pandora took to twitter and tweeted “We stand together. #BlackLivesMatter #LoveAboveAll.”
We stand together. #BlackLivesMatter #LoveAboveAll
— Pandora (@pandora_radio) July 9, 2016
The same supportive message was posted to their Facebook, which is where it seemingly stirred up the most controversy.
The company, which had 79.4 million active listeners as of 2015, received heavy criticism following their post. Many felt the post was in bad taste due to the timing of the Dallas, Texas shooting of five police officers. Users expressed their disdain with the company and some even warned that they were going to unsubscribe from and delete the app.
Other users, however, expressed their appreciation of the company standing up and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.