Whenever we come across valuable information, we make it our duty to pass this information along. Recently, we learned of a free national webinar for small business owners who may need access to capital. The webinar will be conducted by Small Business Majority and SBA.gov approved lender, Accion. Their goal is to help individuals learn how to tap into the right resources and obtain the capital needed to start and/or grow their business.
Here’s more information about the free webinar:
For entrepreneurs, getting a loan could mean the difference between success and failure, whether it’s used for renovation, purchasing equipment or working capital. However, one of the biggest challenges facing small business owners and entrepreneurs has been and continues to be the inability to access sufficient credit and capital. If you’ve been turned down by a bank, don’t feel bad: you’re far from alone.
Topics of discussion include:
- An overview of alternative lending options including microloans, SBA’s loan guarantee program, community banks and credit unions, CDFIs, reputable online lenders and crowdfunding
- Small Business Borrowers’ Bill of Rights
- Key questions to consider when seeking funding
- Tips to help determine the best option for your small business
- Helpful tools and resources
The webinar Access to Capital 101: Funding Options to Start and Grow Your Business is scheduled for September 7, 2016 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm Mountain Daylight Time. To find out more information about the webinar, click HERE!