Rick Ross won his fight over the “Mastermind” trademark.
According to reports, Rick Ross was sued by a rapper name Raul Caiz, who owned the trademark for “Mastermind.” Caiz sued Ross and Universal Records for infringement of the “Mastermind” persona, album title,and tour. Caiz claimed that he’d used the term throughout his 17-year career in music.
On Friday, December 16, a California judge ordered the cancellation of the Los Angeles rapper’s trademark registration on the term, to prevent consumers from connecting its ownership to Mr. Caiz.
“When claims are made against our clients, we litigate them very aggressively,” said Ross’ attorney, Leron E. Rogers.
“We are happy that the court not only ruled in Ross and Universal’s favor, but also took the extra step to cancel Plaintiff’s trademark,” Rogers stated.
Ross’ Mastermind album was released in 2014.