The Federal Reserve Board revealed that over half of U.S. citizens don’t have enough money saved for a $400 emergency expense. A Pew study discovered that over 50% of U.S. households don’t have enough savings to cover a month of expenses.
What are citizens to do if they’re in financial constraints? CREATE A SIDE HUSTLE!
The idea of getting a side hustle is to assist in putting extra money in your pocket. If you work a 9 to 5, a side gig is a great way to have money for incidentals, nights out-on-the-town, and emergency expenses. Side gigs could be bartending, doing eye lashes, teeth whitening, virtual customer service, being a eBay or Amazon seller, etc. There are hundreds of different type of work that could potentially bring in more income.
A side hustle can generate an extra monthly income up to $1,000 a month. Depending on what type of side work an you decide to engage in, your know-how and expertise can have the cash flow flowing. No matter your age, from a teen to a retiree, everyone has the potential use their talents for financial gain.
Remember though, a side gig does have a downside. It can take up most of your free time, especially if you are working a primary job. The best thing to do is to start of small by working on a gig that takes up only a few hours of your day. Utilize your off days or weekends to help you get in the groove of working an additional job. Build up your money slowly until you can juggle all of the hustles you got going on.
Making money is always a great source for self-satisfaction, but don’t kill yourself chasing it!