Martin Shkreli must give up the only copy of Wu-Tang Clan’s Once Upon A Time In Shaolin album and Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter V. U.S. District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto ordered Shkreli to forfeit $7.36 million — including the albums— to the federal government as a result of his fraud conviction, according to CNBC.
The albums are apart of a set of “substitute assets” that will be forfeited to help satisfy Shkreli’s conviction. Other assets is a Pablo Picasso painting and $5 million from an E-Trade account used to secure his bail.
In 2017, Shkreli tried to auction off Once Upon A Time In Shaolin on eBay with no success. He paid $2.5 million for the album in 2015.
Shkreli was convicted of securities fraud in August 2017. His sentencing takes place on Friday (March 9).